A recent conciliation agreement between HUD and a Michigan housing provider shows that HUD continues to monitor compliance with the Violence Against Women Act.
HUD recently published a new HOTMA final rule implementing a number of changes made by the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA) to the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and the project-...
Three kinds of AI ad tools can get you into trouble when applied to housing.
Savvy use of digital media for marketing purposes can be a useful tool for owners, but it can also get them into fair housing trouble. The same artificial intelligence (AI) and...
We review the proposed expansion of tenant rights and protections.
The Office of Affordable Housing Programs (OAHP) in HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) recently announced a preview version of proposed changes to the HOME...
HUD warns against artificial intelligence-based housing discrimination.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the multifamily industry has been raising red flags. As an increasing number of tenant screening companies claim to use AI to...
The final rule aims to help communities reduce flood damage.
HUD recently published a final rule in the Federal Register implementing the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). This new rule aligns flood management standards with Executive Order 13690, President...
And the TSP compliance deadline has been extended to May 31.
When it was originally released last September, HUD’s HOTMA implementation guidance was in the form of a joint Office of Housing and Office of Public and Indian Housing Notice (Notice H 2023-...
Individuals who don’t speak English as their primary language and have limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may be a person with limited English proficiency (LEP). These individuals may be entitled to...
According to the HUD Handbook, multifamily housing owners are required to develop and make public written tenant selection policies and procedures. This Tenant Selection Plan (TSP) describes the procedures for processing and...