Q A resident informed us that she now has a Medicare Part D prescription plan premium being deducted from her Social Security payments. When we go to process the interim recertification it doesn't change the rental amount. Do we still...
Q A resident who moved into an assisted unit a year and a half ago has not been living there. She pays rent, but she uses the unit only as a storage space and a mail drop. She hasn’t stayed in the unit since her lease began. She...
Q: As the manager of several assisted sites, I’ve been asked to lead an effort to create an environmental sustainability plan for one of our sites, as a pilot plan for our portfolio of sites. I’ve heard of these plans, but don...
Q An elderly couple at our assisted site owned a house that their son was living in. Last year, they sold it to him. I understand it was a “sweetheart deal,” allowing him to buy it at very low cost. For recertification purposes,...
Q If an applicant puts monies into an irrevocable burial trust, would that be considered an asset disposed of for less than fair market value? I have an applicant who put monies into an irrevocable burial trust a few months before the...
QOur site's pet rules, like most I've seen, are meant to protect people and property, but I haven't seen any pet rules or house rules that say anything about a resident who is abusing his animal. Can we add something about that to our...
QAt Section 8 sites, what are the HUD guidelines for income generated by mobile communications devices, such as cell phone towers, that are mounted on site buildings?
QI was reading through the item in your April 2009 issue, “Top 10 Audit Findings in 2008” (p. 1). I noticed that #10 on the list was “Rejection letter lacks new reasonable accommodation language.” Where can I find this new...
QA resident of my site recently passed away. I believe the late resident's son will try to continue to stay in the unit, but we do not want him to. How do we request that he move out? How are these situations typically handled?